This is for you if your life isn't 100% in the process of becoming all you want it to be. This is for you if you aren't in the process of living "beyond your wildest dreams." This is for you if you are feeling restless in your life, want to find your purpose or mission or bliss, want to change jobs or anything else about your life. If you need help believing in yourself, knowing yourself, reaching your full potential, connecting with your higher self or higher power, or healing from past events, this class is for you.
My credentials are Former Difficult Life 101-1001. Notice I said "former." First I used to overcome, triumph, move on. Now I've found the way to entirely transform my life & have used a formula I'm able to pass on to you. I'm a teacher & guide for people with a lot of tools at my disposal & I'm willing to invest my time to help you achieve the life you want & were meant to have. The question is, are you now willing to invest in yourself?
Most people, especially women, give away all their time to others & put themselves last. The problem with that is, everyone & everything else benefits & you're left with very little in the end. Also, no one is a limitless commodity - we all have to invest in & renew ourselves regularly to keep functioning. Most people give their time to family, friends, a job, & others. At that point you're building others but not giving yourself the same care. This is your chance to invest in yourself. For a minimal investment you'll get maximum return. Your commitment would total an average of 10 hours per week. The monetary commitment is negotiable. I will gratefully accept any donations of any amount any time along the way, as you're able & led. Also, one class requirement will be calling in once a week (of course, you can call more often if you need to). This call is about accountability. If you aren't willing to give yourself the time to participate in this class & make a commitment to yourself & me to check in, then I'm not willing to give my time away because you aren't ready. There will be a "call button" on this blog site & the call will cost you 25 cents a minute, after the initial greeting. I estimate that a check-in call can be done in under 5 minutes unless you have questions or concerns you'd like help with. If you absolutely can't pay for the call, you can message me privately on Facebook & I'll find another way for you to participate. God's been sending me people who need this life coaching & told me to do this class. I work for God & we don't exclude anyone who truly needs us.
What you'll get from me is the blueprint & one-on-one help & coaching as needed, via phone or email. Short things can be handled via email but specifics need to be done over the phone. That's more interactive, personal, & nothing is lost in the translation. We'll be using multimedia options for this class. You'll be able to post & interact with other classmates via the Creative Wellbeing Fulfillment Facebook page. You'll be able to contact me via phone or email. Part of the class will be reading this blog 5 days a week. Another will be tuning into Oprah's Life Class for 1 hour a day 5 days a week. For those of you who are serious about changing your life, I recommend you start that part now with viewing last night's program. You can access them from Please sign in to participate in her Life Class, answer the question(s) that pertain to the program, & participate. This is your chance to invest in yourself to build the life you want & have your dreams come true! More tomorrow.
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