Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Life Coaching Notes for Wednesday, October 19

Initially this will be a 21 day commitment because anyone can discipline themselves to do something for 21 days. In total, it will be a 90 day program & we'll take time out for the holidays. I'm willing to give you a 21/90 day investment of my time & care. Are you willing to do that for yourself?

If so, the first thing you need to do is set a goal for us. What would you like to manifest or change within 90 days? I suggest 1-5 goals. What I want you to do is decide what those are & send me a private message no later than Saturday, October 22 via Facebook with those goals. The sooner you send them to me the sooner you'll get a private response. If you send me a message today with those goals, you'll get a response by tomorrow & be ready for the next step. I'll either acknowledge those goals or need to discuss them with you. One of the things I'll do for you (once you set your goals & make a commitment to the class) is I'll pray for you & those goals every day during our class time. By class time I mean 21-90 days or as long as you hang in there with me. Hanging in there means that you're accountable, tell me you're doing your part at least once a week. I don't wish to sound hard, but I'm not interested in dragging anyone along. I'm not going to give your wishes the time you won't. Wishes mean nothing, because they're nothing but air until you put action behind them. Then they become intent, & something I can help with.

Once you set those goals, they can become your positive manifestation statements. We'll work with those statements, "I Am" statements, & prayer every day. I can also guide you in working with specific angels toward achieving your goals. I also work with lists. If you don't know exactly what you want to manifest, only that you want change, lists really help. Often people want to change jobs, careers, or life paths but don't know what's possible for them. For those people, I have them create 2 lists. One is a list of their talents, whether developed or not. This is not the time to limit yourself! The other is their interests or things they've done in the past that interested them, or skills they used on other jobs. It all depends, & if you need to make lists & don't know which ones, just ask. Pro/con lists are also helpful. I also recommend you all journal during the 21/90 days. It will help you get in touch with what's going on inside of you during this time.

An example of goals to set from my life - when given an opportunity to participate in something like this, I wanted to manifest the flow of abundance in my life. I already knew my mission, talents, & calling. If you already know what you want in life, today I'd like you to write your manifestations list after messaging me your goals. I did mine after that class was over & I'll share mine with you by example, tomorrow. I want you to have a chance to think on your own first, not be influenced by mine. What you're doing with this exercise is setting your intent for your life, & you'll be reading this list daily, putting it out to God (or whatever you call your Higher Power) & the Universe. So be specific, but not too specific. If you're vague, you won't manifest anything & if you're too specific, you limit what can come to you. It's that old saying "be careful what you wish for." If your manifestation requests are too specific you limit God & the Universe. Don't put a time limit on it or limit how the changes will come about. If you look only to the finished "product" rather than how to "make" the thing, you'll be on solid ground. For example, I want to move to Pittsburgh & need to be able to work from home. I don't want a roommate, want to accommodate my cats & not have to give them away in order to keep a roof over my head. (Yes, these are all valid issues I've had for face for more than a year now.) So my manifestation statements don't mention Pittsburgh or a time limit. They do mention a home of my own (meaning not shared) with safety for me & the cats, & that the home is able to accommodate my work needs. I don't mention whether I'd rent or buy, where it is, what kind of house. I only mention the specifics I know I need. More on this later.

The only other rule I have, besides doing your assignments faithfully & checking in, is courtesy toward others. If someone posts on the Creative Wellbeing Fulfillment Facebook page & you want to comment, do so only with grace & loving support. And I'd like you all to adopt the class mantra, to begin living beyond your wildest dreams (next week, what that phrase means to me). Do all you can every day that you can to manifest the life you want.


  1. I am not part of your group but have been going through this with you. I find the hardest part is giving up control. I was never a "Type A" personality until the last couple of years, now I am. Perhaps it was because I felt the loss of control in my life and was struggling to regain it. I am getting an answer to one of my questions, and can no longer deny receiving. Sigh, it is not what I want but, yet sometimes you need to let go of the old to allow the new in.

  2. I know I've been very "Type A" at times for the same reason. Unfortunately, I was very "Type A" with my daughter when she was growing up. Most of my life was so out of my control during that time, so I controlled the only things I could - myself & my daughter. Only of course I really couldn't control her. The more I tried the worse things got, & of course she suffered the most. Now if I'm "Type A" at all it's only with myself to make sure I get things done since I'm self-employed. With others, I try to be a "Type UL" (unconditional love).
