Pamela posted a comment on 2 of last week's blogs. I believe they're the ones on "I Am" statements & on manifestation statements. For some reason, my computer isn't letting me view them. Anyway, please read them. She makes an important point about concentrating when she reads her statements, & the intent. Please read her comments. In one of the blogs I say that I pretty much know mine by heart & often my mind isn't fully present when I read them. In the beginning, I used to concentrate fully, which is what I want you to do. My message is, if for some reason one day you can't fully concentrate, it's ok. It works anyway. Just do it. If your mind isn't fully present one time, or a few times, your subconscious still is there & absorbs the messages. What you're doing is reprogramming your brain, your feelings, & setting your intent. It helps if the conscious mind is present during this, especially in the beginning, but it isn't absolutely necessary. Some people are "scatter brained," especially those with ADD. You can still do this & transform your life. I recommend trying to clear your head ahead of time & concentrate - be present in the moment.
I'll admit that these days my conscious mind isn't there when I read my "I Am" & manifestation statements because all my manifestation statements are now coming true!!! The move to Pittsburgh is the answer to the first ones & will lead to the rest manifesting. When I try to concentrate on them or just about anything else that's become routine, my brain works on the move instead. After the move, it will be time to rewrite some of my manifestation statements & set new manifestation goals. That may also lead to rewriting some of my "I Am" statements. I believe I need to change them up some, if nothing else, than to bring my mind entirely back into them. Since the purpose of all this is reprogramming your mind, beliefs about yourself & your life, & setting goals for manifesting what you want in life, the ones you write now are not permanent. You'll need to change them once you're reprogrammed. I'll change or eliminate the ones that have completely reprogrammed & probably add some in. But I'll keep all the most important ones as daily positive reinforcement. That's especially important for anything that's about changing deep-seated pain patterns & issues from the past. We all have them. If you were always told you'd never be this or never be or do that, your counter-statement is something you want to keep in there.
Some people comment on these blogs on Facebook. A few comment under the blog itself, which allows others to read them & think further. That's what I prefer. All you have to do is click where it says "comments" under any given blog & it will take you to a box to write in. If you haven't clicked on the right top of the page to "follow" me you'll have to write one of those "type what you see" things to post your comment. Anyway, when you see that there are 1 or more comments for a blog, please read those also.
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