I wish I could really remember the saying about how God doesn't move immovable objects, or something to that effect. God doesn't direct you while you're standing still. Some people stand still waiting for God to tell them what to do next. Some stand still because they have so many choices they don't know which direction to move in. Lightworkers can often fall into that category once they decide to make major life changes like leaving a job to work for God.
God truly doesn't care about most of those choices that we make. He doesn't care often about what house we buy or where, what job we take. He can use us, direct us, or guide us no matter what choices we make if we're open to Him & listening. If not, then it truly doesn't matter because we're not listening anyway. In these choices you can't make a major mistake. At most, you can make a choice that doesn't really suit you. If you do, you have the same options to get out & make a different choice that you have now. The bigger mistake is in waiting, doing nothing.
I'm sure I can appear almost schizophrenic to some. One minute I'm talking about moving to Pittsburgh. The next minute I'm talking about turning my home into a metaphysical B&B. Next, I'm again talking about moving to Pittsburgh. Don't even try to keep up with the latest thing in my mind! There are constants though - I serve God & am responsive to every lead & idea. I'm open & willing, & therefore totally in transition. I've actually learned to enjoy being in constant transition, when once I was one who really had to be able to plan & nest. The other constant is that I keep moving forward no matter what I encounter. The B&B idea was in response to the appearance that I'd be living here at least until Spring. I needed a way to manifest others coming to me for treatments, learning, & guidance while living so far away from the biggest local community I serve. I'm forever making lemonade out of every lemon I see. New business ideas & opportunities are being presented in Pittsburgh at this time, so suddenly I'm open to the idea of moving again. Each day I'm open to new ideas & opportunities in all areas - healing others, self-healing, learning, heavenly messages, business ideas. Most of all I'm always open to opportunities to serve others as presented each day. I'm given multiple opportunities to serve because I'm very active & willing. I put myself out there all the time, so I'm available. I'm also given multiple heavenly messages & ideas, sometimes all in one day or at one time. God rewards activity! I never know what I'll be doing from one day to the next. I do what needs to be done, from the grunge like litter boxes & clearing out moldy boxes hunk left for me to handle, to the sublime like helping those brought to me. One day I'm helping a cat cross over or helping to communicate with lost dogs to bring them home. Another day I'm gently speaking with a victim of childhood incest, telling someone how to have conversations with God, or encouraging my daughter. By the way, none of this is really draining because I channel Father Love whenever I help another. The only ones I find draining are the ones who want me to just fix everything for them while they go on their merry ways without making necessary changes or doing any of the work. I will only give just so much to them. I can't help someone who won't meet me half way & there are others who need my help who will. Again, it's that "don't stand still." Most of our work in life is how I once viewed housework - tedious, never ending, usually not very noticeable, & quickly undone. In any job or relationship, in every life, there's always more to do that we don't especially like doing. Thing is, those are the very things we need to do, for every reason in the world. When you do so, you order your world. You free your mind in 2 ways. One, you no longer have it hanging over your head & have the satisfaction of having it done. Also, most times it's something rather mindless that allows you time to reflect. And often, you'll get messages or blessing through these simple tasks. God blesses activity & guides those who are active. It's like the Bible story of the talents. The guy who buried his got into trouble. The guy who just saved his got very little reward. The guy who doubled his got that amount doubled. When we are faithful to the work before us, no matter how trivial or tedious it may seem, God is able to present us with opportunities. He only opens doors for those who are already walking forward!
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