Truly clean living is about more than doing no harm - to yourself, others, the environment. The best living is to improve all those things, everything you touch & everyone you encounter. That's actually always been one of my heart's highest goals. So I was brought to tears on October 3 at my regular Reiki Exchange during the guided meditation. I'm mentioned before that my Reiki Master channels angels when she does them - the words don't come from her. In fact, she doesn't remember the words afterwards, because I referred to them 2 days later & she didn't know what had come out of her mouth. It's nothing like her voice changes like you see in TV seances, she simply steps out of her conscious mind & allows Spirit to flow & speak through her. What had me in tears was that the angel or Spirit said that we now (speaking to all of the energy workers in the room) have a positive impact on all who encounter us, including the person in line behind us at the store & those involved in financial transactions. Our energetic sphere of influence has shifted with the upward shifts in our energies. I had it confirmed for me before & after, in stops at Walmart. Beforehand, I ended up somehow talking with the woman behind me in line & we were telling the cashier that it's not hard at all to love everyone no matter what, when you live in Spirit. We weren't preaching by any means, only agreeing with each other, so that cashier got the message & confirmation all in one. Afterward that meditation, the cashier I encountered recognized the man in line behind me & he & I ended up talking. He looks like Morgan Freeman when he played God & he's so Spirit filled that just being near him made my heart soar. He felt the same about me, told me he felt my energy before he even spoke to me.
It thrills me to no end to have actually achieved one of my heart's greatest desires of all time. But what a waste it would be if I stopped now, rested in my journey. There's so much more to do, so many more people to help, reach, touch, not to mention animals & the earth. There's a lot I can do to help the earth & animals, including getting the word out about Shaklee products. The company has a negative carbon footprint unlike the major manufacturers who advertise on TV. The cleaning products alone are much safer for the environment, you, your children, & pets. By simply switching to Shaklee products you do great things for yourself, your family, & the environment, which is all of why I sell them. You also help your pocket book because they're highly concentrated & save you money overall.
I help animals also by communicating with them & helping their people with behavior problems. I also do Reiki treatments on pets, & when I see injured wildlife. Another way I help the environment is with organic gardening. How you live your life has the biggest impact on you, others, & the environment. You've heard of living large. I'm going to add my own phrases - living small & living free. I was living small for years. Living small is worrying about everything & every penny spent. Living small is being stingy with yourself & others, going without, penny pinching, saying no. Living large is over-consumerism & not the real opposite of living small. Living large is very selfish & doesn't take into account the needs of others & the environment. I've been working on not living small any more but don't want to turn around & live large either, that's not in me. So that's when I came up with living free. To me, that's the opposite of living small. To me, that's when you're no longer fearful & deny yourself & others simple pleasures. Because when you're living small, you don't even take advantage of the free or nearly free opportunities out there - you're too busy "keeping a lid" on everything. When you live free you aren't into denying yourself or others, but you're aware of what you're doing & your impact. You pay attention to the effects on yourself, others, your budget, the environment. So maybe a better term for it would be living responsibly, with joy & an attitude of gratitude. Living that way, you'll have the greatest possible beneficial impact on yourself, others, & the earth. Part of living responsibly is to be as self-sustaining as possible, & that's what I'm working toward. Gardening, canning, making your own clothing, knitting, cooking at home, candle making, spinning yarn - all these things are things I love to do & plan to do more of & teach. I hope you join me for classes & activities!
One final thought on clean living - do it now. Don't leave things undone or unsaid. If you feel you've been rude or hurtful to someone, apologize now. If you love & appreciate someone, tell them now. If there's an area of your life you want to heal or change, do it now. If you're in the wrong job or need to clean up your environment at work or home, do it now. "Do it now" takes away the pain! It no longer is on your mind or hanging over you & it doesn't become a worse problem. If it isn't something you can immediately solve or handle, set your intent, pray, ask the angels for help, & start working toward the intent. If you haven't read it, please now read my blog entitled, "The Power of Intent with Follow Through."
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