Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Thursday, October 4, 2012

This Could Be the Start of Something Big!

Actually, it IS the start of something big, but I'm thinking in song again. In fact, I've been singing and humming to myself most of the day. And in my transformed daily devotion time first thing today, the communion was great and the messages flowing. My prayer time was a conversation, which I loved. Sometimes I spoke out loud, which I usually do. But when I "listen" I don't hear a voice, He just speaks into my mind and I receive. It's always been this way - I've never heard His voice or the voice of Jesus. So when I start receiving without hearing a voice, I fall into the exchange of mental messages without using my voice. And for me, that's when it's simply heart to Heart, what I love best. How do I know it's Him? Because that's who I'm addressing, and the responses are immediate and fit what I just said or asked. God is within each of us so it comes from within but isn't our soul or higher self - it's Him.

So today in conversation the questions barely came to mind before the answers were there. I didn't realize I was asking about prayer. He already knows all we need and doesn't need supplication or explanation. But the purpose of prayer is connection. The best form of prayer is conversation, as described above. Now, some have heard a voice. Some need that. I've desired it when I was a teen, but not needed it so have never received His messages that way. The next question was about prayer for others, since He also knows their needs. The answer was that it expands our hearts, love, care, and compassion for others. So prayer is really all about connection to God, and Love. It benefits us, not God. He doesn't need us to acknowledge Him. We have the need to acknowledge Him.

So back to the theme of yesterday. I was drawn to the guided meditation given by my Reiki Master last month, and the opportunity to go with a friend opened up. I was led to ask the friend to go, and to take me. That provided the opportunity for him too. I know the angels put this on my heart and I listened. The result was a huge healing and such an opening of my spirit that I've been benefiting almost every day ever since. My spiritual life, understanding, and opening has advanced so quickly since that night! I leaped a huge hurdle of blockage in vision and the fog of care was lifted. The angels spoke to my mind and heart about rejoining my soul group last month and involving my friend, and I listened. That put me in the "right place at the right time" that we hear about. I had no clue the benefit would be so awesome. But I knew to listen and do it. I truly didn't expect or anticipate the beginning of "beyond my wildest dreams." But I've believed in it and yearned for it so much in my life and had faith it was coming. I feel like I went from the wilderness to "over the rainbow" in a few short weeks as a result of the healing and opening from that meditation. To me the change appears like solving a math problem. I used to take accelerated math classes in junior high and I remember so struggling with some of the concepts. I'd work so hard to understand but it was like looking through fog. All of a sudden it would become clear, like sunshine suddenly streaming through, burning away the fog. Then I could do the math problem, all others like it, and apply what I learned to further concepts. I feel like yesterday that happened in my spiritual life, growth, understanding. When that happens in math, suddenly it all makes sense and you begin to see a whole picture of equation relationships. That's what I'm experiencing now.

How do you get there? I had to seek and work at it. I started with that long devotion period and did it for about a year faithfully. I've detailed it before. I have to say it was all worth it although most of that process has become unnecessary now. It helped me learn all the lessons I needed along the way, often the easy way. It taught me to trust and listen, to recognize the messages. I learned to identify when the angels were communicating with me. I cleared myself of past pain and much of what was not pure Love within me. However long it takes you to do it, that's got to be the first step. Time will pass whether you're doing it or not so don't even think in terms of time. We all long to get there NOW if we want it at all. I know that impatience but learned patience long ago. All in time, in the proper time. It can be so hard to keep struggling and not seeing the results clearly, not see the progress. I'm reminded of Mike Dooley ( saying in one of his books that if you've never been some place before you don't recognize the progress. You can get directions online and you have to trust in the directions, keep going. One minute you don't know where you are since you've never been there, and the next you've arrived. It takes trust, faith in the process, and persistence. If you stop and turn around because you don't know where you are, you'll never get there. But there are landmarks from others who've already arrived - use them. That's part of what I've been told to do for you - leave you those landmarks through this blog site. I'll make them as clear as I possibly can. But you have to listen with your heart.

You will walk the path in your own way. Your path will be different than mine but you can use the same process to get there. Your destination will be different. It's like Mapquest. We use the same computer program/site to type in our individual start and end point. But the same process gets us there. Mapquest gives us alternative routes and we get to choose. You can get to many places while avoiding uncomfortable or slowing traffic with an alternate route. You can take the scenic route in many instances, or have the choice of a more direct route. The choices we make determine how fast we get there and how much trouble we have along the way. Without a car I get rides a lot and I see what happens when you hold onto what you think you know instead of being guided. Those who hold onto past experience that no longer serves end up taking a very convoluted and long route. One friend has knowledge from childhood and takes the longest to get to any place we go. He no longer lives in this area so isn't current on his information, is dealing with his distant memories. He doesn't consult or request information that would get him there faster and easier. He thinks he knows what he's doing. Another friend questions the route everywhere we go and takes convoluted "short cuts" when I already have the directions handy. So I've also seen him end up taking much longer to get places.

The point is that we do all progress in life. The choices we make determine the length and ease of the journey, and what we experience along the way. As you make your choices please remember that all we ever have is now, this very moment. The past is gone and the future never comes - the truth of that is in the definition of those words. We all want to "get there already" but if you aren't making your "now" all you can, you're entirely missing out. I've made that mistake most of my life. I only stopped sporadically along the way to enjoy what was all around me. One of the biggest differences now is that I'm living in joy in the moment. I'm grateful for what IS. Make the most of and be grateful for what you have this very moment because it's all you're going to have, and is more than enough. After all, you're alive and able to read this. You have so much in this very moment - grace, love, and so much more. Sight to read, the ability to read, access to a computer, electricity... The way to joy is recognition of the beauty and bounty all around us.

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