This is being written on October 28th for posting at the next opportunity. I've just had the most profound Reiki experience I've ever had & I'm prompted to share this with you. Once you are attuned to Reiki II you are able to do Distance work - send the energy over time & space from wherever you are to wherever he/she or they are. There's a whole lot more to it than that as far as what you can do. Because there is no limit to the energy, you can do whole groups or the earth or universe at once. You can send it back or forward in time, because time as we know it is an illusion & all time exists at once. This is a scientific fact that calculates light years, etc. Did you know that when you see a star, the shine you see was emitted before you were ever born? Yet your perception is in the moment. It's that way with all time. So once you become attuned to Reiki II, the sky isn't even the limit!
One of the missions I've been given is to help pets, especially cats, cross over the Rainbow Bridge to the afterlife. When I do this they communicate final messages to me for their families. They share their hearts, minds & souls with me at that time. And I'm able to discern the very moment they cross over. They allow me to see & feel what they experience in their final moments, their final thoughts. I've heard once of someone else who does this, & I know I'm not the only one being called to do this. This is something anyone who is attuned to Reiki II or a higher level can do. So far I've been called upon to do this 5 times & the final moments have been different each time, as have the messages, & the effect on me. This is the one time that giving Reiki can give me sadness thus far in my experiences over a year. If the cat is sad about leaving his/her person, I've felt that very deeply & it's stayed with me for awhile. One cat had a very hard life on the streets & not that much time in his forever home & really regretted that he hadn't had more time with his person, who he very much loved. That one was hard for me because I was on the receiving end of his final thoughts & feelings. However, I was able to reassure him about his future & that is a profound gift - to be able to make things better for them in their final moments.
Today's experience affected me more deeply than any of them because I helped my beloved grandcat cross over. I cared for him & his siblings for about 9 months from the time they were about 6 weeks old, so he was closer to my heart than if I'd never lived with him. And this time I felt the very moment of his soul's departure from earth more distinctly than I had before. It was very peaceful, I can attest. One moment his energy was present & the next moment it was absent. And then my own sense of the loss of his bodily presence set in. He too had final messages for his parents, which I felt privileged to receive & pass on. I am profoundly grateful to the cats for sharing all of themselves with & through me in their final moment. I'm profoundly grateful to be able to listen to them, answer any questions or concerns they may have, & ease the discomfort & distress of spending final moments at the vet's office. And I'm profoundly grateful to be able to pass on messages to comfort the those who are mourning the loss of one beloved.
If your heart is centered on helping people, animals, or the planet, energy work is one of the best ways to do this. Anyone can learn, including my friend who said she couldn't because her ADD is so bad she can't concentrate. Reiki has ancient Japanese roots & carries traditional Japanese ritual into calling forth the energy. This ritual helps you focus your mind & intent. In truth, all you have to do is be attuned to Reiki, have the right heart & intent, & call in the energies. Only the most impaired can't do that. Then, if you're doing Reiki & your mind starts to wander, it's ok. We're only conduits, channels. We don't guide or direct the energy - it goes wherever it's most needed within. It's directed by the higher self. My heart has led me to recommend attunement for anyone & everyone willing to give of their time & attention to helping. And now that I'm a Reiki Master, if you're local to me (or fairly), I can attune you. I've been given a mission to do this for Christ. If you're far away from me, I urge you to find a Reiki Master you share heart with in your area & become attuned - first to Reiki I, then Reiki II. Beyond that is up to your calling.
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