Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Friday, February 10, 2012

I Need to Learn from My Cats

Cats are amazing manifesters. (I think I just created a new word.) I noticed this the other evening while trying to work with manifestation energy. They are persistent & creative in getting what they want. Cats will work very hard with single minded purpose toward getting what they want, & they don't forget. My beloved Bonnie loved babies breath, which is on the list of what's poisonous for cats. Once I got a single rose with babies breath from a sweetheart & had it in a vase on my dresser, the first time I found how much cats love the stuff. I shut the door to my bedroom to keep Bonnie away from the babies breath. Every time I opened the door, even after many hours, she'd race in, go straight to the babies breath, & try to eat it. That went on the entire time I had it there.

Cats study ways to get what they want. Louie leads me downstairs to the food bowls when they aren't as full as he likes. He also stands guard when I've accidentally shut another cat into a closet. It works. Eventually I realize something's off, see him at a door, & know then from experience to open it. Cats are great at teaching us what we need to know to provide for them. Cats are also self-petting. They rub up against us when they want to be petted, & if we don't they at least get some contact that way. They also tell us exactly where they want to be petted, by moving their body parts to get what they want under our hands.

Cats always know what they want at the moment, & go about getting it. Karma will paw through the entire toy basket until she finds just what she wants. They are very patient that way, don't give up easily. If a toy is knocked under the refrigerator, they'll spend lots of time trying to fish it out. If that doesn't work, they'll try to get us involved. I now keep a yard stick in the kitchen so I can fish things out for them. They are also very effective in stopping things they don't want. They're little creatures so people can easily overpower them, but they have teeth & claws they use effectively to give the message. Some will give a warning first - a hiss, a movement, a meow - & some don't. But with us & with each other, they clearly & effectively draw their boundaries.

So I've decided to meditate on cat behavior & what I can learn about intent & boundaries from them. I am so used to my cats & their behaviors that I normally react rather than think. Now I'm going to be more conscious of their methods & see how I can apply them to my own life. Long ago I realized that I needed to be more catlike. I always denied my own needs in service to others, especially my children. From cats I learned some things about care of self. Now it's time to study them from the aspect of intent & boundaries, see what more I can learn. For those of you who are interested in animal communication, getting into their heads is essential. You have to learn to think like a cat, have to study them. So this work on studying them to learn about intent & boundaries, single-mindedness toward fulfillment of wants & needs, will only further my understanding & abilities.

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