I understand that to a lot of your my views are rather "out there," and that some have differing views. Please understand that what I post are my views and understanding and that I don't claim to be an expert. There are certain things I feel I know. They have come from multiple chains of information including angelic messages, other informed Lightworkers and things I've read. When they come from multiple sources and I feel the confirmation within me, it becomes a "truth" depending on the strength of the sources and the inner confirmation. However, I'm totally open to the possibility that I could be wrong on any of it and I never push my views on others.
I happen to believe that Ascension is coming, and that something major toward it is happening at the end of the year. I don't believe the earth will be destroyed but I believe there will be major changes in our systems of living and coping, navigating. I also believe we're all feeling the energy shifts moving us toward that and have been for some years. I've seen that the major shifts in my life (and in our economy) are aligned with the timeline for when these shifts started in earnest. That's helped me be a believer. And I'm very sensitive to the energy shifts going on this year. Now that Fall is setting in and the year end is coming, I'm really noticing the change, the speeding up occurring in the frequency and power of these shifts. And Monday night I got a full confirmation that other Lightworkers were feeling it too, as I was. That truly helps. Most activated and active Lightworkers are aware of what's going on. All it takes is a little "face time" with others of the kind to confirm that it's the energies, not something just going on with us. Those who have not been activated are being buffeted by these changes and aren't aware of why and that's harder. Maybe you suddenly have conflict with someone "out of the blue," and wonder why. Or a relationship abruptly comes to an end, or one starts. You may suddenly lose your job or have it change drastically, may be required to move to another state or town. Rather than normal life occurrences, these could be changes coming about as people around you react unknowingly to these energy shifts. These things can especially happen to activated and active Lightworkers as we're put in place for the roles we've taken on.
On Monday the 10th there was a great message about what's going on from Nibruancouncil.com. One of the things happening to prepare us for the shift is that our very DNA makeup is changing. At least, that's happening in very active Lightworkers. We've been working diligently to clear out old emotional blockages and "baggage," so that we can be transformed and shift our energies to the higher frequencies being activated. These are frequencies we've never experienced in this or any other lifetime so we have no genetic memory to help us reference these experiences and reactions. Last week was very interesting energetically. My friends and I experienced a lot of discomfort (sometimes part of shifting) during the beginning of the week, then rapid messages and release starting mid week. For me, last Wednesday was mild and pleasant. Another Lightworker friend took me to lunch and we had a great visit. I learned a lot I needed to learn about crystals and chakra balancing and clearing. And I was given a message from the angels about bringing my favorite rocking chair upstairs to my healing room to facilitate meditation. Nothing huge and earthshaking, just very pleasant, helpful, and enlightening conversation.
Then things really started happening late Thursday afternoon. A friend I work with energetically was here, as he often is, and we started channeling an angelic message for each other. We were each given a portion of the message we were both supposed to hear, about how we're to be working together, why, what will happen with it. The thing about each being given a portion of it is that it confirmed our working together and the validity of the message. Friday I was given a life changing occupation idea from the same person who said something unaware that it would lead me to Reiki almost exactly two years ago. I just "happened" to call her that night. I haven't talked with her all year and it was time and the time to do that and nothing else made itself available. In my life and heart, that was the biggest thing that happened all week, all month, all year. I acted on her suggestion and applied for a career position, not just as job as I had been doing, late Friday night. Saturday I worked out a major relationship glitch with someone that transpired at the beginning of the week when the energies were "off," which means, doing the shifting while we felt it. Also Saturday I found out that there's someone who can help me with the last bits of healing I need to finally overcome past abuse. Sunday, I was called to set up an interview based on the resume I sent Friday night. Monday was the Reiki Exchange and I got my confirmation of all that's happening. I also got to link in Thursday friend with my soul group and had a significant release during a group Reiki session. I could add in other things that happened during those few days - those are just the major highlights.
None of these shifts are all of a sudden. None of the things that are happening like I just described are all of a sudden either. The earth has been shifting and clearing just like those of us who have been moving forward as Lightworkers have. And I truly mean "working." Those of us who are truly active have been working on ourselves for years, including clearing out what no longer serves us as we go along. Some of us had this urge written within us without knowing why or recognizing it as such. Some knew there was a higher purpose. So too these earth, atmospheric, and energetic shifts have been happening for year, and are now coming on stronger than ever.
Please do read that Nibruancouncil.com weekly article from September 10. She also has articles you can read about recoding your DNA. If you have any interest, please read all you can. The September 10 article has links to some of that. My only complaint is that there's so much to read if you've just started. And if you start from a link in that article you can get rather confused going from one link to another to answer the questions that come to mind. Under her picture in the middle of the page left to right, she has links to past article series. If you don't know what a Lightworker is or wonder if you are one, the "Starseed, Walk-in, and Lightworker" series has some really helpful articles. If you don't understand the DNA thing, there's a good series on that. The one on the challenges of awakening also contains very helpful articles. As I recall, someone from my soul group informed me of her website nearly 18 months ago, and I've been receiving her weekly articles ever since. I know it's been more than a year at least. On the left side column under "areas" you can find a link for all past articles and I especially recommend you read the articles under "Ascension Tools." I'm about to re-read the Multidimensional Keys of Compassion" because I didn't entirely "get it" when I first read it back then. It's time to read it again and see where I am with it. Remember, I'm here if you have questions or comments, need advice, etc.
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