Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Words on Oneness & Mayan 2012

As with most activated spiritualists at this time, I have questions and theories about what's happening these days. I notice what's happening in those around me and myself, primarily. I'm noticing the greatest changes in myself, in awe. These days I seem to dwell in the "A" words - awesome, amazing, adventure. I've seen my own gifts activated in a mind blowing way, and so many messages and insights, including this morning. Monday I was privileged to be led to go hear a Mayan Elder address what's going to happen on 12/21/12. I was amazed to hear that most people won't even notice what happens! To most it's going to seem a non-event, like the turn of this century.

That doesn't entirely jive with what I seem to be getting but I simply don't know. What he said made a lot of sense but I'm still processing, putting it in context. I spent a long time sitting with God yesterday, processing and getting further messages. I also skimmed Revelations. May 2011 I studied it in light of what I was getting, spent a day cross referencing. That's why I only needed to skim it yesterday. The "funny" thing is, in a few weeks I'm going to need to write a summary of it for the class I'm taking in college. These timings just amaze me.

This Elder said that there will be an 8 minute, huge energy burst that will hit the earth where the Mayans built the pyramids. The pyramids are designed to capture this energy so it can be used and disbursed. Those who are prepared will receive the energy and become enlightened, then be able to share that with others. These prepared ones are all across the earth, so it will be transmitted from one to another. From this energy and enlightenment will come unity. Another word for this is Oneness. He kept saying unity. I keep hearing it around me as Oneness, so that's the word I'll be using, and what came to me today.

I'm not doing his talk any kind of justice here. I will try to in a future blog. I have some You Tube videos to watch first, some research to do. I took notes on everything he said. To me, this last paragraph sounds so lame compared to what all he said. According to him, most people are going to say that nothing happened. But those of us who fully receive, will know. We'll be changed. What he described is nothing short of miraculous and awesome. He said it will be the 6th time in the history of the earth that the 26000 cycle of earth movement has brought it in alignment for this energy burst, so the earth has survived it before. I'm just not sure how this happening aligns with Revelations and if it does. I'm not sure how literal Revelations is, but I've always believed it to be very literal. I'm not sure where we are in the timeline laid out in that book. I'm not sure how we get from where we are now in this country and others to where we need to be and are going. What I do know is that we are entirely moving into Oneness. I got a glimpse of how it is today, which I'll share in a moment. And I know I believe a lot of what the Elder said. I believe most will perceive the December event as a non-event. I've known for a long time that the earth will not be destroyed in our lifetime. I haven't believed that suddenly on 12/21/12 great disaster will strike us. But that doesn't mean nothing will happen and we don't need to prepare.

The way to prepare is from within. We need to be healing ourselves from within. We need to be releasing hate, rage, and judgment of others. We need to be releasing all that no longer serves us and become the best we can be, and the most pure selves we can. Some of us are doing that and the results are amazing. As predicted, most are just continuing on in their dramas. But a huge number of us have moved beyond those dramas and into care and love of others, forgiveness and acceptance. One thing I have to say - if you have a problem with someone else, look to yourself. It's a marker that there's something in you that needs change, healing, and release. And we can only change ourselves and our attitudes. That's our work of preparation, needs to be our true work at this time.

The blessed awareness I was given today was to tune into the feelings I've had for months now of never being alone. I've been vaguely aware of being surrounded by love, by those who care for me. They are scattered across the United States mostly, with the majority here in Pittsburgh. Part of what amazes me is how much comes from Pittsburgh since I've known all of them two years or less. For the first time today, I really tuned into this feeling of not ever being alone and what it is. I am surrounded by love, thought, and care. I feel it as a whole rather than from any one individual most of the time. I now understand that I dwell in the hearts of these people as they dwell in mine. At all times I'm in their hearts, and sometimes they are actively thinking about me. Other times I'm in the back of their minds. But they are caring about me and loving me to various degrees all the time, as I do for them. We are connected, spiritually, mentally, on the soul level, open and pure heart to heart. That's what I've been feeling, and that's what Oneness is. Now I also realize what happens when a few in particular are actively thinking about me. Often I awake with an awareness of a certain one or two, have that person or persons most on my heart at that time. I say heart because that's where it starts, and then I become aware of it with my mind. It varies as to who it is, too. It's either started by the other person or me. I realize now that it doesn't matter who starts it, we both have to be feeling it because of that connection. If I were to check in with whoever it is at the time, I'm sure I'd hear that the other was actively thinking about me then. He/she would either be receiving or sending at that point. And I actually have proof of this, over and over, with my beloved Bekah. Every single time I really want her or need her, or she pops into my head, she contacts me via text! Usually she simply texts, "I love you." Sometimes she asks if I'm ok or if I have time to talk. But she always receives it and responds. Now I understand that she's only the most responsive, that others receive it too, as I receive from them. This is the Oneness. It's going to be like this on a much greater level. Oh there's so much more to this than that - I can't even begin to explain at this point. But just imagine feeling surrounded in love all the time, and being aware of it! Part of it is a collective mind, also understood through my relationship with my Bekah (Rebekah Gamble). By the way, she is an amazing woman and very gifted teacher, healer, and guide!

Bekah and I share so much including that we're both entirely devoted to healing and clearing as our main jobs in preparation. We're preparing for our missions on earth and the changes, dedicated to service and preparation for it. We do our part every single day, to help others and to clear all we can, purify ourselves. We come together and talk fairly often compared to how often I talk with others. When we do, we help each other, and share what we're doing and experiencing. It's amazing and supportive for both of us. No one else understands what we do and are, are experiencing, as much as the other does. We can share the process with each other like with no one else. Because we don't actively know or have that relationship with any others who are dedicated to this work and talk with us about it. But we know there are many others out there. We've simply been gifted to each other in this, and for now, with each other is enough for us. So we usually have truly amazing conversations. And in just a few months we've connected to a truly awesome degree. Yesterday I was thinking about that connection as I was processing the talk I heard from the Mayan Elder. He talked a lot about what the new energy will be like, and electromagnetic energy. He talked about magnetism and attraction, how others will be attracted to us once we receive this energy burst and it dwells in us and changes us from within. I've been aware of having more electromagnetic energy within me than many do, for awhile now. I've been trying to process why, and what to do with it. So yesterday I was thinking about what happens when Bekah and I are in person together in relation to what he was saying Monday night. He was talking about magnetism in the galaxy and earth's attraction. I thought yesterday of the electricity when Bekah and I get within a certain physical distance with each other. A huge light comes on within me when she gets physically near! My heart sings and I vibrate higher the whole time we're together. Then it's like a piece of me disappears when she leaves - she takes it with her.

I'm not claiming to understand this yet, but when we're together I feel whole and complete. It's not that I'm not whole and complete already, within myself though. I hear about Soul Piece Recovery from time to time and have thought I need help with that. Supposedly you lose pieces of yourself when they're taken from you, like by my mother and ex husband through their severe abuse of me. But today I got the notion that my needs are more centered on uniting with the other pieces of my soul, my soul group around me. I think pieces of my soul reside in them and I need the connection with them to be the most whole. Again, it's not that I'm not already whole. It's that I need more of that connection to be the best part of me, my best and highest self. It's a power connection and I'm fully channeling now things I really don't understand at all yet. Some of you who are deeply connected with me are going to read this and understand even better than I do at the moment. But this is what the unity and Oneness are about and I'm just beginning to understand it. I realize I've been moving toward it and getting to live it some for awhile now, without realizing it. In fact, I keep being amazed these days, this month, at how far I've come and all that's happening to me and in my life. I'm barely comprehending what's happening, this awesome adventure. Please join me, if you haven't already! It's glorious from inside!!!


  1. I've experienced the feeling that someone has a piece of you with them. These people usually have a great deal to teach me, and once the lessons are taught, that feeling leaves. Post lessons, I also feel more whole and complete, more centered in myself. Do you think it's possible that the feeling is simply the resonating of the part that will be healed in you by such a person?

  2. Thank you so much for your response, and for posting it here, where others can benefit. In your case, it sounds like that's what's happening. What I was talking about is different. I share so much of myself with others that I leave part of me with them. However, I keep regenerating, because it doesn't deplete me. It's related to what I keep telling you about the whole, huge apartment you have in my heart. So I am blessed to reside in the hearts of a few others. I didn't understand this until now so I'm really glad you asked. As always, you are a great catalyst. It's like the Holy Spirit, who can be in everyone at once and still be whole. It's because of Oneness that we can exist in others and still be whole, and that we can exist in each other at all. Hope that made sense.
