Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Friday, October 21, 2011

Life Coaching - "I Am" List

Ok, final assignment for now - writing your "I am" list. I'm going to be totally open & share my private list with you by example. Many of these things I already know & believe about myself but I used to get insecure & have doubts. Most people do. We've listened to old messages from those who haven't had our best interests at heart & the messages stuck. This is how you come to believe in yourself, & manifest the traits you want. I no longer have doubts because I've been reciting this list daily for nearly 2 months now. It's beautiful to live with confidence rather than having those doubts creep in & plague me.

Here are my statements. The first 5 are part of a special mantra of great power that I learned, so I start with them. I am the Soul. I am the Light Divine. I am Love. I am Will. I am Fixed Design. I am Healthy. I am Capable. I am Beautiful Feminine Strength, healthy & whole. I am passionate & sensual. I am Courageous. I am a Strong Woman with great power within me & to call upon. I am able to call upon all the power & energy I need, at will. I am spiritually & physically protected. I only see, hear, feel, & receive what’s right & perfect & useful for me. I am rescripted & recoded to fit my work for God & my new life. I am called. I am chosen. I am Loved & guided. I am Special, Beloved Child of God. I am good friends, close friends with Jesus, my Lord, Savior, & Beloved Brother. I am in touch with & in tune with God, my Creator. I am awakened to & aware of the presence of all my angels, guides, & teachers, & those who have crossed over who are present around me. I am in touch with & master of my emotions. I am in control of my thoughts & what I manifest. I am compassionate toward myself & others. I am an effective & creative time-manager. I am always co-creating the next, more enjoyable energy with every aspect of the Universe I encounter. I am Healer & helper for animals & people. I am Teacher. I am Guide. I am Intuitive, Empath, Psychic. I am a successful business woman. I am an achiever. I am an effective animal communicator & a cat whisperer. I am an accomplished & productive, Spirit guided artist & artisan. I am an accomplished, productive, Spirit guided published writer/author. I am spiritually whole. I am balanced in my self, body, spirit, emotions, & life. I am one who lives in the flow of abundance, with plenty to share & give, & financial freedom. I am living “beyond my wildest dreams.” I am living & working my passions, using my talents fully in my daily life. I am awakening my talents & creativity. I am greatly blessed.
I am a playful, joyous child who knows how & when to play, incorporates play with work & life.

The things that I'm having you do work. They open your life to all the possibilities, miracles, & power available to you. They can transform you & your circumstances. I'm very excited because I have to rewrite my own manifestation statements because most of them are manifesting this very moment! Today I found out that I'm definitely the beneficiary of a complete miracle, a huge gift from God. A woman who once faced adversity & had people help her out & take a chance on her decided to rent me her home in Pittsburgh, right next door to one of my best friend, whom I will be in business with! I don't "look good on paper" & I have 6 cats. Most people told her not to rent to me but God told her to take the chance & "pay it forward." From the start her heart responded to mine, as did her soul. This house is perfect for helping me manifest the rest of my statements regarding working from home, having balance & a social life, safety & comfort, a home for me & that cats together. This is my opportunity to free myself from the last of the painful memories I've mentioned in previous blogs, to get free of the mess left for me, & make a fresh start. Now get this - the way God works. I get the key to the new place exactly a year after my ex started his jail sentence for his crimes against my mother & me! Exactly a year later, I get to begin moving out of the house he & I shared, & start my new life to the fullest. Then this evening God sent me a couple who offered to help me move things into the garage & sell them! I was giving away 2 TVs & some other things & the man kept refusing to take things, saying I could sell them. I kept saying I had my hands full, they'd be doing me a favor, & after hearing that several times he offered to tell his friends & advertise what I'm selling & come over & help me stage & do the sale, including the heavy lifting. I just can't begin to tell you how good our God is! Miracles of timing like this - the day I get the key, the couple this evening - & miracles the magnitude of someone renting to me & 6 cats - only God makes things like that happen. This is your first dose of "beyond my wildest dreams." More next week.


  1. I will share a few of mine that address areas that are hard for me. (Jenny already hit a couple):
    I am who I am and glory in that. I am able to trust people and trust my feelings. I am releasing all of the past hurt in my life and turning it into love. I am a unique, radiant, loving being. I am the Divine plan unfolding itself. I have nothing to prove to anyone. I am choosing to transform my life and become free.
    I am releasing all limiting thoughts and am lifting myself up to ever higher levels of awareness. I am ceasing to limit myself intellectually, to limit my creativity, to limit myself emotionally, physically, spiritually, and am connecting my spirit and soul to the source of all knowledge, to the higher powers, to Creator, to Great Mystery, to Earth Mother, to my goddess, and to my god.

    These are in addition to those where I reaffirm myself as passionate, blessed, thankful, powerful, healer, and so on. I say them out loud and as I say them I try to feel each word deep inside of me. Being witch, intent and visualization is key for any good working and that is what these are, a working, a spell of affirmation of self. As I tell those wishing to follow my path in Wicca/witchcraft... when doing a working you have to feel it, taste it, smell it, see it, hear it - than and only then will you know the power, the energy went out and is working. Belief, intent, and energy are the key ingredients, missing one and the working falls flat. Same here, just don't expect overnight results. The divine does not work that way.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing something so personal with us all! I see some in yours that I want to add to mine! :)
