Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

More on Progress, New Experiences

I've been holding back on writing some of my new experiences because I'm not sure of the belief levels of those who read this blog. I didn't want to sound too weird, to lose anyone. Then I was reading an article from the Oprah magazine, December 2011 (a bit behind on magazines), & it gave me a way to explain this stuff. Of course, as always these days, it came right when I needed it, between yesterday's posting & today's. It's an article on spiritual experiences from a scientific viewpoint. You all have heard "right brained" vs. "left brained." The left hemisphere of our brains is where we do our logical thinking & calculations, & men are known to be more left brained. The left hemisphere is also the side that processes language. The right hemisphere is more associated with intuitive & subjective thinking, connects us to the "bigger picture & the present moment, where there are no boundaries & you're a part of it all." At the Laurentian University in Ontario, Canada, a cognitive neuroscience researcher, Michael Persinger, PhD, has worked with a device to induce right brain experiences & studied the results. The person writing the article asked him if this ability to induce experiences means the brain makes up the responses. He said, "It just tells you that if the brain is appropriately stimulated, you can have important experiences, with powerful healing effects." He says the brain is hard-wired for transcendent experiences & a sense of connectedness. He thinks it's part of our evolution & adaptation. The article goes on to tell you how to open up your mind to transcendent experiences. One is to practice mirror writing. You compose words from right to left, reversing the letters. It says moving your hind in this novel way requires activity in the right hemisphere. Another is to sing. It doesn't matter whether you're singing well, only that you are. That & other creative endeavors helps fire the right brain. They also suggest thinking sideways, using "lateral thinking puzzles," & give an example of problems that require examination from unexpected angles. One is to put 5 toothpicks on a flat surface so they form the number 5. Then, without adding any, make the number 16. This is one you really have to work at.

I used to be about 60/40 or so as far as right brained/left brained, in that order. My natural state is to be more right brained but I've had to be the functioning adult & take care of myself so much in my life that I really had to develop those left brain capabilities. I'm not sure what the percentage is now. I believe it varies every single day at this point, which hemisphere I function most in. But what I see happening, now that I think of it in these terms, is that I'm truly developing my right brain capabilities, intentionally. The experiences I'm having are available to most of us, all those of us who have a fully functioning right hemisphere. I can now do almost everything I once thought was cool or wanted to do! About the only things I haven't done are real past life regression work, shape shifting, journeying, or play with fairies. But over the weekend I did 4 readings for people, including myself. I do better readings for others than I do with myself sometimes, because I get impatient when I don't get the message I want or think I should, or it doesn't seem clear to me. Then, the next day, I go back & review the cards because I realize the message is there & I then really get it. It's much easier to read someone else. Sunday the 2 people I read were asking me how I do it, whether I get messages or a feeling. It's all of the above. I'm given to know the meaning of the cards. That's psychic ability, & mine is growing all the time. A lot of that was in yesterday's blog. I'm in tune with the energy of this area now, crystals, people, animals, my departed loves ones, angels, my guides, God, & Jesus. I receive messages pretty much every day now. I can readily & easily connect with any animal who wishes me to. The list goes on. I used to want to be like Sonya Fitzpatrick, the Pet Psychic from the Animal Planet shows. She is amazing! Her energy is so beautiful! I felt it just from watching her on TV over time. Then I actually got to speak with her 3 times! Around the time I got to talk with her I was told I'd surpass her work! And I see it coming now, see my gifts unfolding. In these things I feel so greatly blessed. God gives us these powerful urges to be something more than we are or do something more than we are at this point. Whatever powerful urge you feel, go for it! It's there for a reason so set your intent. It's taken me 19 months to get to this point & in other ways, 56 years. But let's go back to the last 19 months. The 19 months passed & would, with or without this. And it's not like suddenly, 19 months later this has all popped out. The journey & discoveries along the way have been amazing, & it's not over yet. And it all unfolds in the proper time. You can't force it. All you can do is set your intent & work toward it in every way presented. All the rest is what the Universe (God, angels, etc.) then do. The timing is perfect & we can't know it. So don't be upset or worried if you think you should have started before now or should be further along than you are. The simple answer to that is "NO." There are none of those dirty little "shoulds" here. You can have faith that it's unfolding as it is supposed to.

Now I have to tell you what happened to me yesterday. I went to the home of my mentor & he showed me a plant that he's calling a Reiki plant. It's a very unusual begonia called escargot & has curled & swirling leaves that are huge. I don't even know if it every gets blossoms. I don't care. The energy of the plant is amazing! It was hidden among others but when he pointed it out to me I immediately felt the energy & fell in love with the plant, asked him to get me some next time he saw them. We then walked around his lawn & experienced the different plants, talked about their energy & how they were doing in their locations, etc. He moved there in October so this is his first spring & he's learning the plantings & planning. Just after that I was standing on his deck in front of a massive fur tree. Next thing I knew, that tree was pouring love onto me. He has lots of new growth & he invited me to come pet him. He drew me in, drew me toward him. I knew how soft those tufts of new growth would be, could feel them in my hands before I went to him. (I say him because that's my orientation.) There was a powerful connection & bonding when I touched him. It was as if the tree was Spirit, which it is. He told me proudly that he was originally a Christmas tree, planted out there after the season. I could have stayed there with him, happily. I could have sat underneath his branches & meditated, just communed, abiding in that love. Instead, I told him I'd be back when I could & went to talk with my friend. While talking, I realized this wasn't my first tree experience. I had entirely forgotten that I had a relationship with an ironwood tree when I was in my late teens. I used to hug that tree & lay my cheek against his bark, which is entirely smooth & unbroken. And I used to feel the love from that tree. Later I thought about it & realized that at that time, I was entirely connected with Jesus. That was during the time when I would have long nightly give & take talks with Him. I was entirely spiritually open during that time.

Later my friend & I went to 2 nurseries, & there the plants started speaking to my heart, certain ones clearly drawing me to them. I bought 2 of them. One was so strong that he called to me from a group of others. Now he's on my porch & I feel him whenever I go outside, am basking in his presence. The other was a bit more subtle. I've never had that happen before. I resisted buying one of my favorite flowers, instead bought the 2 that called me. At the next nursery were the begonias. I was going to leave with just one but 2 just wouldn't let me go. They were in a group & all of them were speaking to my heart but I was trying to just listen to the strongest one & 2 wouldn't let me put them back, insisted on going with me. They will work together when I do my healing work on myself & others, & are obviously male & female energies. I can tell from their spread vs. height. Again, entirely new experiences for me. Later I figured out what must have happened. When I saw the man's begonia, it must have activated me because all else happened after that, & they are very magical plants with very powerful energy. And now I have 2 of them in my home! They're in separate pots & right now I have 1 in my bedroom & 1 in the Reiki healing room. I can move them as I like, put both of them in my bedroom or in the healing room as needed, & will. I can hardly wait to see what happens now that they're here & I'm activated. But I do know that I'm to work more with plant energy for healing than I have been in the past, to strengthen my connection, & I've been working toward that in my heart & intent, my angel work. I'm there with essential oils but the yearning has always been in me toward herbalism. I'm very excited about this new unfolding! My life is so very exciting & full because of things like that. It's ever fresh & new because of these unfoldings. I never know what will happen next on any given day, & my life has become a glorious & almost daily new adventure, especially now that the energies of spring are unfolding.

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