Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Church, Where God Lives

This summer I got a spectacular church tan! Yep, a full upper body tan, a little on my feet & legs but mostly upper body, mostly from my church. That's because my current church is my front deck. That's where I meet God every morning & where I go to talk with Him throughout the day. Outside, in nature, in the most beautiful & comfortable spot. My church has a comfortable table & chair or the glider full of cushions where I can put my feet up & just relax. That's actually my favorite spot because it's on the highest part of the deck & the most comfortable. From there I best see my herb & flower pots. My deck overlooks a hay field & the front yard filled with 7 oak & maple trees. I have butterflies, lightning bugs, dragonflies, birds, squirrels, chipmunks, & groundhogs to view, & sometimes deer & hummingbirds. Mostly I see clouds & lines of trees on the edges of my world. Out there I practice seeing tree auras, my own, & Universal Life Force Energy, & I talk with God & the angels.

God lives in us & all around us, especially in nature. His wonders & His Love show most in nature on a daily basis. Out on my deck I receive messages, give thanks & love, pray for those in need. I feel the warmth of the sun He created or the gentle (or not so) breezes & feel the rain that nourishes the plants & provides for us. I feel close to God wherever I am but more so outside, in the beauty of this place. I used to think of this house as a terrible burden, until I started communing with God daily on the deck. Eventually I began to love this place again & then this house, & to be truly grateful. Nothing about the house itself has changed - all the construction problems still exist but my attitude & gratitude are different & improved. In turn, I began the process of improving all I could inside the house. I'm creating a temple. I'm creating a space of comfort, joy, peace, contentment, work, play, home, family, love, reverence, healing, great energy, & grace. It was already a space of light & air, which is part of why I chose it. As the weather cools & my home is transformed, my church will move indoors more.

My church has hymnals, Bibles, study guides, & other resources but there's no one to tell me what to think or believe except God & the angels. Instead of human teachers, I have Divine teachers & guides. These days I don't so much seek answers or interpretations. Instead, I seek the relationship with God, Jesus, & the angels, & to serve. I used to desperately seek the answers & to live right & to follow God's will for me. I used to cling to every reassurance & rule & lesson. I was desperate for life to get better & thought it would if only I could figure it all out, learn it all. I recently read a message that said, "The religious cling. The spiritual seek. The happy folk know how to live & the world beats a path to their door." So far the only "world beating a path" I see are animals coming around, but I'd say I've pretty much moved into that final category now. First I was spiritual, at one point I was strictly religious & that's when I was most miserable. For awhile I was a combination of the 2. Now I am the Christian I always was, in that I believe in Christ as our Lord & Savior of all. But I don't define myself as such because my beliefs don't fit into any traditional Christian faith that I know of. That's because I believe totally in reincarnation to the point that I practice & live that belief. I am spiritual but no longer really seek because I know I'll be told in time. I'm totally content with what I already know, although of course I always want to learn more. That's my nature, but I'm no longer desperate, just curious. Less than a year ago I was still the original "I want to know it all NOW" girl. Now I'm content to let God unfold Himself & the knowledge to me in His time. I live in a state of grace because I've learned to trust that He will reveal what I need to know as well as what I want to know in His time, & that His timing is as perfect as He is. So my church is within me & around me wherever I dwell. I'd say it's wherever I go but as all humans, sometimes I go places where He isn't welcomed, much as I try to avoid that.

I invite my readers to create their own "church" - a place within your home or property where you can commune with God in quiet & peace. A place where you can truly listen, go deep within to meet Him, & visit with Him daily. I'm not suggesting that you quit going to your church on Sundays or whichever day(s) - I'm suggesting that you make relationship with God a daily thing. And I am saying that you truly don't need to listen to TV or radio or podcasts or preachers telling you what to think & believe. You can go straight to the Source & find out all you need to know about Him, angels, yourself, & therefore receive pure messages. Remember, if it comes from a human it's tainted by a human. No preacher has all the answers. They all put their personal beliefs into it. So you're being guided by a human, not God directly. You ARE being told what to think & believe by another flawed human no greater than you are. If God intended it to be that way, He wouldn't live in each of us! He'd only live in them & talk with them. You say He doesn't talk with you? Yes, He most surely does. If you think He doesn't then you haven't learned how to hear Him because He talks with each one of us. Mostly He speaks to our subconscious mind, unless we're consciously seeking Him. That's what I do when I go outside & talk with Him. I open up the time with my conscious mind to receive Him. That's what I'm suggesting you do. It takes practice & patience to then listen & learn to perceive Him. If you need help, just ask me. That's where one-on-one counseling helps & I'm willing to do that by phone. You can leave me a message here & then meet me on Facebook or I'll give you an email address, where I can privately give you my phone number.

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