This blog is late today because for the first time in ages I don't have any prewritten & I spent my day so far with my spiritual journal & oracle cards. I now have 4 of Doreen Virtue's decks of oracle cards, & I felt like drawing from all of them today. I have an ongoing problem with the young cat who lives here, had a bunch of dreams, & woke up feeling foggy & unclear. Plus, a whole lot has been moving forward lately. It seems that for all of us, it ebbs & flows. Right now I'm in the middle of rapid flow, & I always feel the need to journal it. That helps me recover what didn't entirely stick with me as it flowed past & make sure I retain what did. When I'm in the flow like this, I'm learning & realizing important life lessons & recording them means I can go back to read them as needed, & it cements them in my mind. At the top of my journal pages (spiral notebooks) I've learned to reference what's there in a short phrase so I can find any of the lessons or subjects easily if I want to go back. I'm a hand writer, because that allows me time to think as I write. I have one notebook of my spiritual growth & messages. I have another on the cards I pull the the lessons, so that I can easily see how often I'm getting the same messages. I have a dream journal, & still have a personal one. Eventually I'll probably eliminate that last one because I often have trouble deciding whether to write something in the spiritual journey one or the personal one. But I still have to do things at times like write what I accomplished that day, & that goes in the personal one. That helps me to see how productive I'm being each time I think I'm not, remnants of messages of the past that still haunt me. Also, I still have a bit of life that's not spiritual based, like my association with the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. To me, the doings fit better in a personal journal. I process feelings & events best by handwriting on paper, so these are ways, tools for giving to myself. Because of that, I'm pretty self-sufficient, don't need to always be talking to others to share little events in my life. I certainly don't isolate myself, but I do best when I'm self-comforting, don't have to turn to others for advice or any of my needs.
Oracle cards & such can be tools or crutches. I use them as tools, to help myself & others. That's why I have so many decks. Each one helps in different ways & the more I use them the more I know which deck(s) to use when helping others. I very seldom spend any real time looking for answers for myself in cards or readings or messages. Mostly I use books as entertainment (novels) or to learn to do something. I don't read them to find the mysteries of life. I ask God & the angels directly for whatever I wish to know & then get busy with my day. Usually I get the answer within 24 hours, because I pay attention once I've identified the question enough to ask. It's in something I find in my email inbox or something I hear or happen to read while trying to learn something else, or it comes into my head (which is from God, the universe, the angels, my guides or teachers, my deceased grandparents, whoever wishes to provide that). I never sit around waiting for answers on what to do next or what to do at all. I don't look for signs. That said, I pay attention to wild animals & such that appear because I believe in animal messengers. But I don't look for that, or the answers usually. I just do the next thing there is to do, & the next & the next, & the knowledge I need comes. That's not because I'm special, but because I'm a doer rather than one who waits. I'm open when the answer comes. I trust that what pops into my head is Divinely provided because of my pure intent in asking the question. I've learned to listen to what pops into my head & trust the messages over time. But most of all, I just keep moving on to the next task rather than worrying each question, emotionally wringing my hands over things, & searching for signs & answers. I do research though, when I need to, & then I research thoroughly. Sometimes I ask questions of trusted human guides. But as I said, mostly I do the day's work & let the answers come however & whenever they will. I don't try to force & analyze & control.
How do you get to that point? Besides doing the work in front of you & letting go of the control, not looking for signs, you need to prepare yourself regularly. We feed our bodies & our pets daily but not our spirits! That's what leads to those brief mountain top experiences, those "I've been saved" moments that never last! I start my day with prayer, then I talk with my angels, teachers, & guides. First I greet God & thank him for all the goodness in my life, spend several minutes being specific. Then I pray for those on my heart, usually the same people & animals every day. Then I ask the Archangel Michael for protection & thank him for all the protection he gives me every day. I'm very specific in the protection I ask for. Then I greet & express my love to Jesus, my angels, teachers, & guides, & my dearly departed that are around me. Then I read my "I Am" statements & what I'm manifesting in my life, then work with specific angels & call them in for my ongoing needs & concerns. I'm not really sure how long it all takes, but it starts every day on the right path for me & ends up influencing my day, evening, & sleep so it's very important to me. I do it because of that, not because I have to. Some days I skip some of it because I've got to get out the door but because those days are few & far between, I'm good. It's all in my heart, reinforced almost every day of my life now. Then comes the questions, if I have any - they get expressed during that time, or any new concern. This is a large part of why & how I'm now having the best life of my life, the best & easiest time of my life. If you look at the circumstances I'm still in you'd be shocked at my use of the word "easiest" but it's true, & I've just told you most of how to claim that for yourself. The rest of the way is to make the intent of your life be God centered, which is another subject for another time, & one I've already covered some in the past.
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