Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Friday, August 5, 2011

Don't Believe Me Blindly

If you read this blog regularly you've heard me talk about Mike Dooley & Sylvia Browne. I've just started reading, "Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier" by Mike Dooley. He believes that none of our life is pre-scripted, that we make it all up as we go along & if we do it with intent, we can have & do whatever we want in life in a positive sense. Ms. Browne believes that all our life is pre-scripted by us down to when & how we die. My beliefs seem to fall somewhere in the middle. I believe we assign a mission for ourselves, as stated yesterday. I don't think I believe in all the pre-scripting that she does. I've got to reread her book, "Life on the Other Side." As I've said before, when we are ready, we find new meaning in previous things we've read.

Last night I was talking with a friend who's seeking. She said I've had it easy when it comes to having a relationship with & talking with God, my spiritual path. I pointed out that I work at it. I read messages every day from a variety of sources, & I read books. I receive messages from 5 days a week. I read every article my Reiki Master sends me, & she only sends the best, from a variety of sources. Her sources & that of a friend have led me to some great sites & opportunities. I highly recommend as well as Abundance Alive is Mary A. Hall's website & she is a beautiful, gentle, loving healer with a variety of coaching calls & other methods of delivering great blessings & healings. Her 22 day abundance & healing program fueled a lot of important self healing that you've followed in these blogs, including the messages of worthiness, & how to truly manifest abundance in your life, my life. So this paragraph contains my top recommendations, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey.

I also receive messages from, which I only recommend for those who believe in reincarnation & are ready for the next step, who want to know what's coming & are ready to hear it. Also, there's for messages from Jesus. If you aren't an energy worker you probably aren't ready for these messages. I also receive (online spiritual publication), & online event invitations from,, & Often these are free events that can help those who are seeking, are more suitable for the general audience of these blogs.

I daily seek spiritual guidance, growth, opportunity, healing. I participate in local & online events. One of my current missions is to move forward in my life & leave my past hurts behind, to heal, learn, & progress in love, service, & understanding. Daily I seek the next message or lesson. I don't necessarily spend a lot of time on these things, certainly not to the exclusion of getting things done. So you can do this too - the key is intent, regular activity (which I really do think means daily). Sometimes finding time is simply a matter of making it a priority & re-evaluating where & how you spend your time.

Please remember when you read my blogs that I'm still learning & evolving. I don't have all the answers, I'm not entirely sure what all I believe. I'm open to learning, unlearning, relearning. In other words, I'm open to learning, I'm open to dumping outmoded beliefs & learning something more advanced. The thing I do that I'm recommending for all of you is, weigh everything you read & hear. Don't take any one "expert's" opinion as fact. Take in information from a variety of sources & see what feels true within you. I don't have to accept everything Sylvia Browne says as fact, or Mike Dooley, or anyone else. When I have questions, I have a variety of trusted teachers I turn to, not a single source. So far I don't believe any of us have it 100% right. I don't think, as humans, any of us are given a whole picture & can know everything. I stand behind my beliefs, for myself, as they are now but I realize that my beliefs are changing all the time as new information comes in. Some I discard, most I refine. Here I share the messages I'm led to share, with the best information I have at the time. Take what resonates within you to heart & leave the rest. I invite you to read these blogs regularly & join me in my journey. Hopefully I make you think about things in a new way, which will lead to your own personal journey.

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